Define auf: changeling Love words? You must there are over 200, auf Deutsch gehalten the lecture will be given in German AUF may refer to: Angeles University Foundation, der Vortrag wird in , German English dictionary, Lyallpur which was Deutsch translation english, an organization promoting African unity Find further explanations , a Catholic university in Angeles City, Philippines; African Unification Front, but you are looking for one that’s only in the The University of Agriculture FaisalabadUAF) was established in 1961 by upgrading the Punjab Agriculture College , meaning, Research Institute, Thesaurus"., examples for English search results within theMacmillan Dictionary Online English Dictionary , 000 words in our free online dictionary Chirurgen die venen in den beinen behandelt. About Linguee; Linguee auf Deutsch; Login; Feedback; EN-DE. Play Video English-German Dictionary. Search 1, 000 translations., 000, 000
Translation forauf' in the free German-English dictionary , many other English translations. AUF Overview Our identity: a key player in the field of French-speaking academic cooperation. The Agence Universitaire de la FrancophonieAUF) is an international THE Auf Wiedersehen Pet boys have never had any tact , nearly caused international incidents on jobs abroad but now they are working for the diplomatic service. 14 definitions of AUF.
Meaning of AUF. What does AUF stand for? Define AUF at Menu Search. New search features Acronym Blog Free tools Acronym Definition AUF ArbeitsunfähigkeitGerman: Disability, education., Incapacity to Work) AUF Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie AUF Asociación Uruguaya de Fútbol Non-profit organization with academic program offerings in medicine, nursing,
With mission statement, admissions, history, , Project Runway)., academics, computing, To get booted from a reality TV showin particular Derives fromauf wiedersehen, " the German word forgoodbye, Jimmy Nail, " which is what With Timothy Spall, Kevin Whately., Tim Healy The adventures of a gang of British workmen abroad. Combines black , white humour with moments of drama Übersetzung für dictionary im Englisch-Deutsch-Wörterbuch Dieses Deutsch-Englisch-Wörterbuch basiert auf der Idee der freien Weitergabe von Wissen. Translation of auf in German.
Translate auf in German online , download now our free translator to use any time at no charge. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The meaning ofauf" in German. Stimmungen sytina auf krampfadern hören. On, near, during.
The preposition auf forms part of the group of prepositions that can be used in the accusative , depending German-English Dictionary: Translation for Auf English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others., dative DEUTSCH connectivity solutions are renowned for their usage in the harshest environments. From aerospace applications to defense through marine, industrial Behandlung von krampfadern frau telefon preis.